Cornerstone Handprint Event
I am so excited to be teaming up with Cornerstone PTO this year to offer you my keepsake handprint ornaments as a fundraiser for your child’s school! I will be coming the morning of November 21st to get your child’s hand or footprint and will then take it back to my studio to create the magic! First ornament is $20 annd each ornament after is $15. All ornaments will be delivered back to your school prior to the Christmas break. Don’t forget grandparents too! They LOVE these!!!
If you would like your child to participate, please fill out the form below for each individual child and send it back by November 18th so that we have an accurate count and can make things run as smoothly as possible! Please send your form back even if you pay online. We appreciate your support!
Thank you!
Meghan Lunsford
Cracked Ginger